Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Immigration isn't fair.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent's tale
Look! A prison! A horrible, unsafe, unclean prison. To hold people in this sort of condition must mean they are awaiting transportation to a better facility, right? After all, even America's worst criminals- rapists, murderers, terrorists, and more get better conditions than impossibly cramped containers, right?

Unfortunately, in America, that is not the case. People sneaking over the border are put in these awful cages awaiting deportation. They are not offered soap or toothbrushes, parents are routinely separated from their children, and they are treated worse than zoo animals.

There is a reason our worst prisoners are not put in this condition. They would kill each other. There would be blood. Those trying to enter into the United States from other countries, however, are civil. They will talk and cooperate and take care of each other, because they don't function like criminals. They sneak into America to work, make money, and send it back to their relatives.

America's immigration system works in such a way that there are very few ways to enter the country, and they have grown increasingly unreliable. One might be able to get a visa if they are related to someone who is a citizen, if they win the visa lottery, or if they are a refugee that America accepts. Many foreigners come into America on student visas or tourist visas, and America gives a great impression so they decide to stay! That should be a matter of pride for Americans! We are the place people want to live! Our culture has spread across the globe, and yet vast swaths of land are unoccupied and unused. So many natives died for this land that we now won't occupy with people. It's a real shame. Plus, American immigration is country specific, with a maximum number of immigrants per country per year. It would be faster for a Chinese man to get a citizenship in a small country like Palau, then migrate to America from there than it would be to directly migrate. It's also sexist, preferring women to men. This isn't how a country that prides itself on being civilized and ahead of the times culturally should behave.

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